Dreams Know No Boundaries ❤

Syeda Saman
2 min readOct 16, 2020


“A learning curve is Essential to Growth”

Sometimes, A thing leaves an unbelievable impact on us when we saw in the past. The same thing happened to me when I saw back from now. Amal Academy gives me a family which accept me the way I am. 2-weeks of starting leaves a great impact on my self where I know Who I am and What actually my strength is. My experience was so good at starting I learnt new skills, topics which help me to develop myself. Even I remember the activity where we ask each other name’s meaning which make an environment comfortable for us. After it, we got a project work 1 and where I made an AMAl Values chart which I love the most. when I see these Amal values, I realised how beautiful the journey was. These values helped me to get to know a new version of my own self. I follow them in my life where I feel, I have to keep them in my life.

“Life is all about never stop Learning, its a journey, not a Destination”

Besides this, I learned a lot of things in this journey and it gave me a chance to describe my own self with those who want to see me a successful. I discover my self in a very different way which I never see. I realise that I just have fear of all those things which I want to do in my life and Amal helps me to overcome all those fears which never go forward to me in my future. My batch has the best people in this world which always encourage me to do my best and never lose hope in any condition. I am not sure, but all person of my batch thought about it that we didn't have this much energy before the fellowship but our both MA’AM’s helps us a lot to be energetic like them. I will really miss all those activities which make us happy. I will miss all those laughs full of love.

