Focus on being productive instead of busy

Syeda Saman
2 min readAug 21, 2020


I’m a procrastinator by nature. I tried a lot of PRODUCTIVITY techniques for changing my habit. Like mindfulness meditation, early morning exercises, notebook for the list, google calender but all of these, POMODORO TECHNIQUE is the most effective I’ve tried. This technique was invented by Italian software designer and productivity expert Francesco Cirillo in the 1990s. “Pomodoro” is the Italian word for “tomato,”

When we gave a Project work this week by AMAL so I put Pomodoro technique here and want to see how this help me? And I really enjoyed this 25-minute working target because this made me more focused and help me achieve my goal and be less distracted by anything. After completing this task I take a break and enjoyed my tea with some funny videos and for me it so entertaining technique because we challenge our own comfort zone and want to be more productive here.

I didn't feel any difficulty here, in fact, it is a very useful technique for us because we can target our goals through it and this helps us a lot in our future and in study career.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

