Put oneself in other shoe’s

Syeda Saman
2 min readOct 30, 2020

Life is so unpredictable and we always try to be a number one in this life. We only accept other decision when we see it in our favour and we always try to push others to accept our decision without knowing their view related to the topic. Know your and other WHY’S and then life is so easy for you. Raphael Treza, A man who gives us a chance to know about the culture and way of living of Cobra Gypsies They live their lives without fear. The culture of Cobra Gypsies never bound their women in the house. They give equal rights to men and women.

They are brave people and they try to do something new and never feel scared by doing an act with COBRA. They trained their children with strategies which helps them to live in this society. I like the girl in this video, her name is Krishma. She is a talented girl with lots of skills which helps her to make a specific place in front of tourists. she teaches them about their dance and put Henna on their hands which make them happy. Their lives aren’t simple like us but they always try to find a solution in a smart way. I like the way in which they tried to do something for their own lives. Their dance is famous in near areas which make them different.

As a conclusion, I like their spirit that how they make their life easy by helping each other. How they accept Raphael Treza and welcome by the core of their hearts. Never rely on the same solution with different problems. Always try to think out of the box which helps you to be a specific one in your life and other life also. Never judge anyone by their act just try to understand their issue and you automatically understand why they chose it ❤

