Thanks For The Memories

Syeda Saman
3 min readOct 22, 2020


“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” — Dr Seuss

Somethings happen in our life for an incredible purpose and Amal Is one of them. I didn’t expect all those things from this career fellowship. When I listen that 18-Oct is the last day of our session so it made me sad and my eyes get wet little bit because I get used to of it and I felt so happy when I saw all the happy faces on Saturday & Sunday.

When we are in the session so I just want to memorize all the faces which I will see in future as a successful people In Shaa ALLAH. I learned one thing in the last session that no matter how hard it is to say goodbye to your favourite people but you have to say and tell them which and what of them makes you different from your own self. I know we all will be in contact but the rhythm never be the as same as we had in this fellowship.

“So, old friends, now it’s time to start growing up, taking charge, seeing things as they are, facing facts, not escaping them, still with dreams, just reshaping them, growing up.”

In future, I will try to overcome my nervousness as like Wahab that how he fought with his issues and get what he wants. I will follow the humbleness of Aiman in my tough deadline where I need to be a calm and supportive colleague. I want to be as understandable as Hijab, motivated as Arsalan. My all fellows teach me something which helps me in my future life. Amal polish my professional skills so my fellows help me to enhance my emotional skills that where and how to handle them and make a chain with your teammates. Leadership, Growth mindset, Mentor all these skills help me to develop a good career in my desire farm. Mock interview and presentation help me that how to overcome all nervousness and tens at the time where you needs to show your best version.

The most loving part of the fellow is that we are Pakistan. No matter where we live but we all know each other by heart and work. Our polished skills help our country to grow like other countries. I want to Thank Amal, Ma’am Iqra and Ma’am Zeest that if they aren’t as supportive and cheering as they are then we will never get this much treasure of knowledge. I will always hold Amal principle in my life.

“Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

