Syeda Saman
2 min readOct 8, 2020


Our mega-project is divided into 2 parts.

One is providing clean water that’s why we are installing a water filtration plant in one village.

The second one is awareness. In the awareness part, we are doing a lot of things in this section such as arranging an online session, in-person meet-ups, awareness through our Facebook page, google surveys form.

Each member of my group motivates each other and we try to do our best in each task and we make a strategy for completing our tasks. All members are doing their work with potential and show enthusiasm for getting done their activities. We faced most of the challenges in fund-raising, so we overcome through using our contacts and we get a very good response through it. Now we collected our required fund and the work on the filed is starting and In Shaa ALLAH we get our target in the mid of Oct. Yes, we changed our way of providing knowledge to people. Arsalan went to a village and met people in-person and tell them the benefit of pure water rather than dirty water. We also have an online session on Sunday at 8-pm with Dr. Sundus Habib. our project fully depands on us no organization and other persons are helping us in completing our task. We daily discuss our motive with each other in our group and we try to overcome all those issues which we will face during this period. All the work is doing to end in the mid of Oct related to our mega project and In Shaa ALLAH this project makes an opportunity for al those villages also who don’t know what is pure water.

