Wealth of water

Syeda Saman
2 min readSep 30, 2020


“Being human is given, but keep our humanity is a choice”

Without water, there is no life. For being a good human we must see how much people survive for drinking clean water. The theme, Water for all, so our mega project is Water Filtration plant in a village near Lahore, Punjab major area of our project.

What do you plan to achieve?

We set a plan which helps us to achieve our target. Our target is to help almost 120 homes for giving them clean water. Water is life for all so when they will get clean water so it will provide them with a way where they keep away their children's and their selves from disease and other health issues.

How will you divide tasks within the group?

Our major portion is to install a water filtration plant and make easy access to the people of that village. For this, we are trying to fundraise for this project and almost 60% it has done and in upcoming days we are going to install plant because we have arranged piece of land already now just need to install. It will take 3-weeks almost.

We are trying to conduct awareness session online as well as in-person to the needy people who really need of it. For this, we have divided portions to do. We are also using social media to give awareness about pure water and it’s important in life.

How will you divide tasks within the group?

Rana is working fieldwork

Saman is working regarding fundraising & collecting & also writing blogs

Aiman & Hijab are working on the Facebook page, developing survey as well as arranging sessions regarding pure water awareness.

Arsalan is giving awareness on the ground basis and searching and collecting information about water filtration plant & monitoring group works and helping all members whenever needed.

